Health Benefits of Green Tea


Green tea is a popular drink that has been enjoyed for thousands of years, especially in East Asia. There are many types of green tea made from the leaves and buds of Camellia Sinensisplant, also known as “tea tree”. They come in many flavors and have different processing methods.

No matter what type of green tea you prefer, you can enjoy it knowing that it is one the healthiest drinks in the world. You should make sure you drink unsweetened green Tea. It will not only taste delicious but also have health benefits.

Here are some benefits to green tea:

Green tea is rich in flavonoids, polyphenols and other powerful antioxidants. They protect the heart and lower blood pressure. Regular consumption of green tea can lower the risk of blood clots and improve blood vessel function, as well as reduce the likelihood of arterial blockage.

Anti Inflammatory – Studies have shown that flavonoids have anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of green tea can reduce inflammation in many areas, such as acne, skin conditions like psoriasis, dandruff and gingivitis (inflammation and gum disease), and arthritis.

Improves Dental Health – Green tea has antibacterial properties. Drinking unsweetened green tea can reduce bad breath, gum disease, and cavities.

Supports Brain Health – Green tea contains both caffeine and L-theanine, which work together to improve brain function. Green tea doesn’t contain as much caffeine as coffee. It has enough to give a response, but not enough that it causes jittery feelings.

Lower Risk of Cancers – Oxidative stress and other damage can lead to the development of cancer. Many studies have shown that regular green tea drinkers (an excellent source for antioxidants) are much less likely to develop various types of cancer. Regular green tea drinking has been shown to reduce the risk of developing other serious diseases and health problems, such as stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Promoting Weight Loss – Green tea may increase metabolic rate, and studies have shown that drinking several cups daily of unsweetened green coffee can help you lose weight, especially belly fat.

Green tea is one of the most healthful beverages in the world, as it contains powerful antioxidants and potent nutrients. Green tea was once a prized drink of emperors, nobles, Buddhist priests, and scholars. Green tea is now available to everyone thanks to its delicious flavor, health benefits and global distribution.

This post was written by a professional at Suhi Inc. Sushi Inc. is a vibrant restaurant that offers what is considered the best sushi in St Pete. Opening its doors in 2013 and becoming a local staple by offering live music, traditional hand-rolled sushi and a friendly atmosphere, our guests always have a top notch experience. Customers love our award-winning, fresh and creative Sushi rolls, Nigiri, and Sashimi. With a larger selection of tempura, non-Sushi, and teriyaki options, we can accommodate every taste.





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