How Healthy Is Peanut Butter? & Why Buy – 99th Monkey

Peanut butter is a popular spread that is high in protein. It is created by blending powdered peanuts into a thick paste, which is frequently first toasted. A variety of nutrients in the finished product may have the best results on one’s health. When buying peanut butter, it’s crucial to read the label, though. Today, many manufacturers include substances that might lower the nutritional value of their products, such as sugar, vegetable oil, and trans fats.

At health food stores and specialised supermarkets, you can buy peanut butter online is readily available. Except for a tiny salt, look for products devoid of additives.

Peanuts may also be filtered in a food processor to create peanut butter at home, depending on the crispness you want.

What are the dietary facts for peanut butter?

A serving of peanut butter with two tablespoons is around a quarter cup of peanuts.

  • 207 calories
  • 9 grammes of protein
  • 18 grammes fat
  • 6. g of carbohydrates
  • 3 grammes of fibre
  • 1 gramme of sugar

In peanut butter, you can find:

  • Vitamin E
  • Niacin (B3)
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin B6
  • Magnesium

Additionally, peanut butter is a good source of copper, a mineral that supports the health of our blood vessels, immune system, and bones. According to some studies, eating a diet high in copper may lower your risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

Five uses for peanut butter

Whip up a smoothie

Smoothies frequently contain staples like milk, yoghurt, and fruit. The mixture of the components to smoothed using an electric blender. Try pairings with bananas or peanut butter. Use up to an additional tablespoon (15 mL) of peanut butter per serving, depending on your preferences.

Use it as a spread or dip.

Over the top of crisp celery sticks, spread and try it as a dip with low-sodium pretzel sticks or slices of apple or pears. Try this fruit poutine with peanut butter.

Put peanut butter in your bag for a quick snack.

  • Leave some full-grain crackers and a container of peanut butter at work.
    • For snacks, try a sandwich with peanut butter in one slice of bread. For a nice snack, add slices of apple or banana.

Make an easy peanut sauce.

  • Add to soups, stir-fries, or noodle meals.
    • Serve alongside grilled seafood or meats.

Four fresh sandwich concepts

  • On a whole-wheat tortilla, spread it. Insert a banana. Eat it rolled up!
    • Place strawberry slices and peanut butter on one half of a whole-grain, toasted bagel.
    • On one-half of a whole-grain pita, spread it. Add apple and carrot gratings.
    • Cover with remaining pancakes. As you eat, fold.

What Peanut Butter Might Offer in Terms of Health Benefits

A concentrated source of nutrients with possible health advantages is peanut butter. According to one study, daily consumption of peanuts can prevent the risk of mortality by up to 21% and heart disease by 38%.

However, even though they contain “healthy fats,” eating too many peanuts might be harmful since they are heavy in calories. To prevent unintended weight gain or health issues brought on by excessive consumption of fat, moderate your intake.


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