What is Beef Jerky and Its History?

Beef jerky is a type of snack food that is made by seasoning beef in a healing remedy as well as drying it. Meat dealt with this method has a long shelf life, as well as a one-of-a-kind taste. The creation of this meat processing innovation is credited to Indigenous Americans who smoke-dried meat to maintain it. Beef jerky belongs to the rapidly developing meat snack market that experienced annual sales of over $240 million in 1996. This development has been credited to the wellness and balanced features of beef jerky like its high protein material as well as low-fat content.

Beef jerky is certain kind of an extra general kind of snack known as jerky. It is any kind of meat, that has been cured using a salt remedy, as well as has had the vapor reduced to lesser than 50%. It is typically brownish colored as well as has a rough structure. Compared to meat unprocessed, it is harder, as well as has an extra powerful taste. This is largely as a result of the flavor focusing effect of the vapor removal procedure. Beef jerky is advertised as a nutritious, low-calorie item, which is low in cholesterol, as well as fat and high in protein and power.


Beef jerky is believed to have originated in South America throughout the 1800s. The Quechua people, that were forefathers of the old Inca empire, processed meat the same as beef jerky known as charqui, or ch’arki. It was created by adding salt to strips of muscles from animals, such as buffalo, deer, as well as elk, and permitting them to completely dry in the sunlight or overfires for a prolonged number of times. This technique of prep work allowed the people to protect meats throughout times when it was readily consumed and offered when food was limited. When the Spanish experienced this approach to meat conservation, they adopted it and made it available to the rest of the world.

It was graced as a staple food material for American cowboys, as well as leaders. Early explorers constructed smoke huts as well as hung cuts of meat on fire for smoking treatment of the meat. Real jerky was created when the meat got first flavored, and after that, treated. Throughout the years, individuals uncovered that the meat might be made more palatable by the addition of numerous spices.


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